The Law Sovereignty - Patriot Studies


Roman Law : The Twelve Tables
SAINT GERMAIN AND PORTIA'S Mystical Role as Directors for the Aquarian Age - Book 3 of a Trilogy
Brief by the Republic of  Texas vs. The United States (book and disk)
Constitution Explained
Medusa File, The : Crimes and Coverups of the U.S. Government

Sovereignty - Patriot Studies


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Right of Secession, The
Catalog #: SKU2225

This U.S. Senator explains why the states of the compact forming the Union have the legitimate and constitutional right to secede from the USA.

Rights of Man
Catalog #: SKU0960

The revolution of America presented in politics what was only theory in mechanics. So deeply rooted were all the governments of the old world, and so effectually had the tyranny and the antiquity of habit established itself over the mind, that no beginning could be made in Asia, Africa, or Europe, to reform the political condition of man. Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think.

Roman Law : The Twelve Tables
Catalog #: SKU1394

Patriots and governments of the Western world claim their foundations in Roman Civil Law. Find out exactly what some of those 'Roman' laws were and how they were applied. The legal history of Rome begins properly with the Twelve Tables. It is strictly the first and the only Roman code, collecting the earliest known laws of the Roman people and forming the foundation of the whole fabric of Roman Law.

SAINT GERMAIN AND PORTIA'S Mystical Role as Directors for the Aquarian Age - Book 3 of a Trilogy
Catalog #: SKU0917

Ascended Lady Master Portia, also known as "The Goddess of Justice" and "The Goddess of Opportunity", represents divine justice and opportunity for this planet. Opportunity has been defined as: The Open Portal to Unity. Justice has been spiritually described as love's great opportunity to right all wrong and balance life's misqualified energies. Because Portia's action is that of balance, her symbol is the scale of justice.

Catalog #: SKU0921

ALL 3 Books in the Trilogy: The Aquarian Age of Freedom isn't for the purpose of establishing a new religion. Organizations aren't the answer. "God is no respecter of persons" or groups. He looks only upon the heart.

SAINT GERMAIN'S Mystical Quest for Freedom and Democracy - Book 2 of a Trilogy
Catalog #: SKU0916

Saint Germain is often referred to as "the wonderman of Europe, the man who never dies". His undaunted dedication compelled him to remain upon Earth one hundred years after he made his ascension. As one of the ancient Atlantean founders of "Freemasonry", this dedicated master of freedom refused to leave the planet until the divine plan of anchoring the "New Atlantis" had been set into motion.

Secession and Constitutional Liberty
Catalog #: SKU2239

Exhaustive and comprehensive challenge to the US's illegal war on the Southern Confederacy.

Secession and Constitutional Liberty - TWO VOLUME SET
Catalog #: SKU2956

An exhaustive legal challenge to the legality of secession to the federalist tyrants and constitutional traitors of Washington D.C.

Secession Movement, The: in the United States 1847-1852
Catalog #: SKU2106

Few people know, and even fewer schools teach, about the secession movements in the USA prior to the Illegal War of the Northern Traitors against the South.

Secret Empire
Catalog #: SKU0584

Eisenhower, the CIA, and the Hidden Story of America's Space Espionage - Taubman, deputy editorial page editor of the New York Times, investigates the spy satellites that investigated the Soviets. Eisenhower, who was often accused of "putting and puttering" and "goofing and golfing," is portrayed here as a remarkable risk taker who supported the creation of highly sophisticated spy-satellite and spy-plane technology by going around the stodgy Pentagon bureaucracy and using the best minds he could find.

Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Convention Forming the Constitution
Catalog #: SKU2744

The secret and hidden from the public, proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of 1886-87. This forgotten history is a MUST to understand the intent and purposes behind each section of the constitution, and the authors, and others in the convention opposed the constitution on lawful grounds!!!!

Secrets of the American Bastile
Catalog #: SKU2760

A series of letters proving the illegal imprisonment of people in the North, during the illegal US federal war against the South

Catalog #: SKU0931

On this amazing 60 minute CD, hear an actual member of Skull and Bones reveal the inner workings and motivations of this secret society and its members who many believe are out to control the world.

Recently, the Conspiracy Journal Media Network conducted an interview with an individual who has been a member of this secretive fraternity since the early 1970's

Shadows of Shasta
Catalog #: SKU1804

Why this book? Because last year, in the heart of the Sierras, I saw women and children chained together and marched down from their cool, healthy homes to degradation and death on the Reservation. This book is another little known 'Trail of Tears' story, but the word 'story' seems to diminish this tragedy of human suffering, at the hands of the US Government and the Republican Party 'Radical Rumps.' This is the failure of 'democracy' when it becomes majority rule, mob rule, and rule of the rich. This is the repeated horror, time and time again, of Christianity and Christian governments.

Simon Bolivar: The Liberator- Father of 5 Nations
Catalog #: SKU2356

Simon Bolivar was the liberator of many South American nations from far away rule and dictatorial tyranny. Statues to his honor dot the U.S. scene, but most U.S. Americans know very little about this great man's history and role in the Americas.

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