This Volume has nearly Two Hundred valuable Recipes for Stationers, Printers, Bookbinders, etc. These Recipes are thoroughly practical, and such as come up in every day's work. They have been gathered from many sources, and are endorsed by the best workmen of the United States and Europe.
16 point font
How to Remove Common Writing Ink
From Paper Without Injury to the Print.
Common writing ink may be removed from paper without injury to the print by oxalic acid and lime, carefully washing it in water before restoring it to the volume.
To Render Pencil Notes Indelible.
Pencil notes found in a book, or placed there as annotations, may be rendered indelible by washing them with a soft sponge dipped in warm vellum size or milk.
To Remove Grease Spots from Paper.
Grease may be removed from paper in the following manner: Warm gradually the parts containing the grease, and extract as much as possible of it by applying blotting-paper. Apply to the warm paper with a soft, clean brush, some clear essential oil of turpentine that has been boiled, and then complete the operation by rubbing over a little rectified spirits of wine.