This ignored scientific research was by one of India's political warriors, who dared to confront the British occupation and British destruction of his homeland. Based on independent research, astronomical facts, and from the Vedas themselves, Tilak proves that these precious manuscripts were written around or in excess of 6000 years ago. Oddly enough this lines up with biblical interpretation that mankind started 6000 years ago...and that the Great Pyramid of Egypt, too was established on a certain position of Orion.
From the Preface
SOME explanation may be necessary for the publication
of an essay on the antiquity of the Vedas by one whose
professional work lies in a different direction. About four
years ago, as I was reading the Bhagavad Gita, it occurred
to me that we might derive important conclusions from fche
statement of Krishna that ''he was Margashirsha of the
months. "
This led me to inquire into the primitive Vedic
calendar, and the result of four years' labour is now placed
before the public. The essay was originally written for
the Ninth Oriental Congress held in London last year.
But it was found too large to be inserted in the proceedings
wherein its summary alone is now included. I have had
therefore to publish it separately, and in doing so I have
taken the opportunity of incorporating into it such additions,
alterations and modifications, as were suggested by
further thought and discussion.
The chief res alt of my inquiry would be evident from the
title of the essay. The high antiquity of the Egyptian civilization
is now generally admitted. But scholars still hesitate
to place the commencement of the Vedic civilization
earlier than 2400 B.C. I have endeavoured to show
in the following pages that the traditions recorded in
the Rigveda unmistakably point to a period not later
than 4000 B.C., when the vernal equinox was in Orion, or,
in other words, when the Dog-star ( or the Dog as we have
it in the Rigveda) commenced the equinoctial year. Many of
the Vedic texts and legends, quoted in support of this conclusion,
have been cited in this connection and also rationally
and intelligently explained for tho first time, tlius
throwing a considerable light on the legends and rites in
later Sanskrit works. I have farther tried to show how
these legends are strikingly corroborated by the legends
and traditions of Iran and Greece. Perhaps some of this
corroborative evidence may not be regarded as sufficiently
conclusive by itself, but in that case I hope it will be borne
in mind that my conclusions are not based merely upon mythological
or philological coincidences, and if some of these
are disputable, they do not in any way shake the validity
of the conclusions based on the express texts and references
scattered over the whole Vedic literature.
I wanted to
collect together all the facts that could possibly throw any
light upon, or be shown to be connected with the question
in issue, and if in so doing I have mentioned some "that are
not as convincing as the others, I am sure that they will at
least be found interesting, and that even after omitting
them there will be ample evidence to establish the main