The communications in this little volume, purporting to come from disembodied spirits, came in the manner hereinafter stated, and all that I had to do with them was to faithfully and to the letter transcribe them from the slate on which they were written into blank memorandum books which I procured for the purpose.
This book is a serious study of the occult Tarot. Partial Contents: Introduction to the study of Tarot; The General Key to the Tarot; The Sacred Word; Esotericism of Numbers; Key to the Minor and Major Arcana; Connection between the Major and Minor Arcana; Symbolism in the Tarot; History of the Symbolism of the Tarot; Androgony; Cosmogony; General Transition; Summary of the Symbolical Tarot; Key to the Applications of the Tarot; Astronomic Tarot; Initiative Tarot; Kabalistic Tarot; Authors who have interested themselves in the Tarot; Divining Tarot.
One of the major things that would qualify for a global disaster would be a global economic collapse. As we have all seen in recent years, this is a very real concern. This will be orchestrated (all the world's a stage) by the Rothschild family, who own outright or control by proxy, the largest banks in the world. Subsequently, because of that power, they control by influence the rest of the banks worldwide.
Without doubt, this book and the ensuing volumes will set a benchmark for exposing the Agenda that is laid before us. The truth's herein will shock you, and may even terrify you. Do not be deceived into thinking that conspiracies do not exist-they do; Jesus was conspired against, as was J.F.K, as was Caesar. One thing you can be certain of after reading this great work is that there is hope for us all who are willing to believe after presented with the facts. Read the book and you will know.
There are going to be some interesting topics concerning the way banks conduct business and the most important part is how they conduct the business of others. To the uninitiated reader some of these procedures are going to be a very nasty surprise. The things I learned and therefore sharing with you had upset me greatly. Being sold out was not supposed to be an option of the American Dream. If people knew this on a whole, how far would the rage reach?
I have tried to bring out the exceedingly practical character of many of the discoveries made by those scientists who, despite the often contemptuous criticism of their colleagues, have valiantly persisted in their adventurings in the psychical. The world has undoubtedly been the gainer, and richly the gainer, by their labors; and it surely is well worth while to survey in some detail the field they have explored and the results of their explorations.
The world's "elite" families, no more than 13 at the peak of the pyramid, manipulate their control of humanity through a network of secret societies. This network and the interbreeding bloodlines it serves have become known as the Illuminati, the 'Illuminated Ones'.
From ancient Nippur of Babylon these spells and incantations were written into bowls and discovered two thousand years later by archeologists. Read the curses and spells used by the Jews in captivity, as many are rendered in Hebrew.
Now first of all produced out of darkness into the light, against all caco-Magicians, and contemners of the gifts of God; for the profit and delectation of all those, who do truely and piously love the creatures of God, and do use them with thanksgiving, to the honour of God, and profit of themselves and their neighbours.
THE ATLANTIS CONSPIRACY summarizes the evidence that the world today is slowly coming under the control of a group of conspirators whose secret organization began some 12,000 years ago in legendary Atlantis. This book "connects the dots", showing the pattern behind UFOs, the paranormal, lost civilizations, and sinister events such as the Kennedy assassination.
Bloodlines of the Illuminati is a unique historical genealogical who's-doing-it book, rich in detail, providing a devastating expos
This book is intended to give the reader an account of the origin and history of Hallowe'en, how it absorbed some customs belonging to other days in the year,-such as May Day, Midsummer, and Christmas. The context is illustrated by selections ancient and modern poetry and prose, related to Halloween ideas. Large Print 15 point font.