Spirituality-Religions Christianity Exposed Church of God? or Temples of Satan

Church of God? or Temples of Satan

Church of God? or Temples of Satan
Catalog # SKU1500
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.10 lbs
Author Name R. A. Anderson
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The Church of God?
or the
Temples of Satan


By R. A. Anderson

Here is a truly outstanding book about religious Gnosis, called the "Church of God? or The Temples of Satan." It criticises world religions for their lack of Spiritual Knowledge and perception, and blames them for the Spiritual ignorance, intolerance, and hatred which, it claims, is the root of worldwide terrorism. The book also accuses all religions of being nothing more than "temples of Satanism" and ignorance.

As far as Christianity is concerned, the author builds a strong case indicating that its orthodox doctrines did not originate from Jesus, but from St. Paul; and that Paul's behaviour demonstrated many symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia and narcissism. These observations are supported by detailed study and quotations from various sources. Early Christian scribes and theologians are also accused of editing, corrupting, mistranslating, misinterpreting, and even destroying many of the ancient texts. Other world religions are also categorized in a similar way. None, according to the author, represent the genuine teachings and revelations of their historic Master(s) or Prophet(s).

Clear and persuasive evidence also indicates that Jesus was not the first and only Messiah, but simply one in a long succession of such "god-men." The book is not anti-God, far from it! Indeed, the author claims to have experienced Divine revelations himself. He explains his own Spiritual experiences of meditation in great detail, and describes how they differ from what St. Paul claims to have experienced. In fact, the central theme of the book explains how every seeker of Truth may actually achieve, here and now, true Enlightenment and Gnosis - the very purpose of life.

The book also provides evidence that so-called Christianity actually teaches in opposition to Jesus. For instead of revealing personal Gnosis and Experience (or Vision) of God here and now (as, it claims, Jesus did), religions only offer theories and speculation - a variety of erroneous theological beliefs, empty promises, futile exoteric rites and rituals, and false hopes for the future - nothing more than blind faith in words and hollow repetitious prayer.

It will be interesting to see what the world's religious organisations will have to say. How they will answer the many questions, facts, and observations put forward. The author says he expects that they will simply sweep it under the table as they usually do when confronted with difficult questions.


This study is not based on belief, intellectual philosophy, or theoretical theology. It is based on pure and simple fact (Spiritual Reality) - on the author's personal experience of Truth - on revealed (Visionary) Knowledge of God (Gnosis). Such experience is identical to that described by many genuine disciples and Prophets of God throughout the ages, and throughout the Scriptures of all renowned religions. Even though many today will reject such a possibility - as they always have - this Sacred/Mystic experience IS available to ALL who truly thirst. YES, it is available TODAY, as it has always been, to ALL who sincerely seek!

From this experience, it is clear that what we call religion is merely a poor and corrupted imitation of Truth. Christianity, for example, does not truly represent what Jesus taught - quite the opposite in fact - it actually represents everything that Jesus condemned. For instead of revealing the personal GNOSIS and EXPERIENCE (VISION) of God right HERE and NOW (as Jesus did - and all genuine living Masters do), it (and all religions) can only offer theories - futile theological beliefs, empty promises, and false hopes for the future - nothing more than blind faith in mere words from a book, as the religion of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Simply lip service, and the practise of various exoteric rites and rituals.

The purpose of this study is to explain the Truth - to help others in their quest to discover and EXPERIENCE the REALITY for themselves. It cannot reveal the Truth - no book can do that - not the Bible or any other. However, the author hopes it will make complete sense to the modern mind, and unveil the truth that lies hidden behind all ancient religious scriptures.

A book such as this would have been banned and burned by the church not so very long ago - indeed, so would the author himself, and anyone found reading it! No doubt, even today, many fundamentalists will destroy it in anger and ignorance, and it will probably be condemned by the church as a whole. However, for those who are genuinely seeking for Truth - this is for YOU.

This work is by no means a literary masterpiece or an easy read - the author is not a talented writer or spokesperson, and the subject matter is very difficult to explain adequately in words. It is not actually the subject matter that is difficult (it is the simplest thing imaginable), but the indoctrinated and stubborn minds of humanity that make it difficult to explain (this is why Jesus apparently said: Come to me with the openness and simplicity of a little child). Thus, it is hoped that this will be read with an open heart and an understanding mind for what it is. There is only one qualification for understanding the Truth - and that is a real Spiritual thirst. Just like water in the desert - the Truth is more valuable than gold or jewels.

About the Author:

Robert A. Anderson was born and educated in the United Kingdom. Soon after graduating from college he moved to South Africa. There, after a long and committed search, he discovered the "meaning and true purpose of life" by meeting a genuine Spiritual Master and being initiated into the "Knowledge" of Truth (Gnosis). He then entered an ashram (a Spiritual shelter) for two years, practicing his Master's techniques for Meditation. In 1982, back in the UK, he started researching the necessary materials for writing the present book. He admits that he is not a particularly talented author, but nevertheless felt that it was necessary to make an attempt at explaining his experiences of Truth in clear and simple terms - not the obscure technical jargon of so many "mystical" works.

Softcover, 5" x 8", 250+ pages


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